Say Goodbye! Postcards | Order or Print Your Own

Let’s keep this part of the campaign going!
These postcards are one of many legs of NHPPA’s campaigns.
They kicked the nation off with an action that followed Shawn Buckley’s powerful and far-reaching media circuit. Both the postcards to Members of Parliament and letter writing to MPs are having incredible impact from a successful start, that won’t be letting up any time soon!
We are in a time like no other.
If there is a best time for us to take back parliament, it is now. There is simultaneously a widespread growing interest in the use of natural health products, and a hungry freedom movement that is just waiting to step up to the cause.
To learn about NHPPA’s 5 campaign goals, you can watch our 1-minute video
Remember to email us at or tag us in videos and photos of you mailing in your postcards, your letters, and visiting your MPs.
Let’s flood our elected officials’ offices and give them NO CHOICE but to listen! This is a matter of life and death for so many Canadians.
This campaign launched with our “Say Goodbye” postcard. Within the first two months of the campaign, over 250,000 of these postcards have shipped coast to coast.
The second postcard, launched in August 2023, highlights Health Canada “misinformation”. We are providing multiple postcards to allow you to easily continue engaging your Member of Parliament on the topic of protecting access to Natural Health Products (NHPs).
The third postcard in this series showcases that “NHPs are safer than food” and how unnecessary additional regulation of this industry is. These postcards are available at health food stores and clinics across the country, with more locations coming soon.
“Say Goodbye” Postcard
“Misinformation” Postcard
“Safer Than Food” Postcard
Are you a Natural Health product RETAILER?
Each and every time the natural health community has stood up against the Canadian government, natural health retailers have played a key role in helping the movements reach critical mass. Retailers interact with many members of the public who have a personal interest in protecting access to natural health products. As a result, NHPPA has organized the shipping of bulk orders of our “Say Goodbye!” and “Misinformation” postcards to retail stores through existing distribution channels.
1. Email NHPPA at with the subject line “Request Postcards”
2. Include your business name, address, preferred postcard, and postcard quantity
3. NHPPA will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange shipment!
Are you a Natural Health PRACTITIONER?
The combination of Bill C-47, the Self-Care Framework, and the expansion of Vanessa’s Law will handcuff many natural health care practitioners by limiting the types of natural health products that can be used in Canada and the breadth of information you can share with your clients/patients about natural health products.
As a natural health care practitioner, you have a personal interest in sharing these postcards with your clients/patients. You need to ask them to help protect your ability to continue practicing with relative freedom.
As a result, NHPPA has organized the shipping of bulk orders of “Say Goodbye!” and “Misinformation” postcards to practitioners and/or clinics through existing distribution channels.
1. Email NHPPA at with the subject line “Request Postcards”
2. Include your business name, profession, address, preferred postcard, and postcard quantity
3. NHPPA will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange shipment!
Are you a member of the PUBLIC?
While we are unable to ship small quantities of postcards to individuals, we have options in place that will allow you to take part in this campaign!
1. Go to your local health food store or natural health practitioner and/or clinic and inform them of the threat currently facing natural health products in Canada (if they don’t already know!) Bring this two-page natural health product crisis summary to leave with them.
2. Let them know how active you are, in taking up the cause and would like to support the national movement.
3. As a customer of theirs, let them know that you would like to contact NHPPA to request that some postcards get shipped to them, so they they can participate in the campaign and so that you are able to get some for you personally, and to distribute.
4. Make plans with your local health food store or natural health practitioner and/or clinic to let you know when they arrive.
5. Once you have the OK, please email us at and let us know the location that we are shipping to along with your name and phone number!
It is of utmost importance that natural health retailers and clinics are involved in disseminating this critical information to Canadians across the country.
We thank you in advance for bringing your local natural health community leaders into the conversation!
Options & Versions Of Postcards For Printing!
You’ll find 6 versions of postcards below.
6 x 9.5 Full Colour
Front and Back | Full Postcard For Home Printer
If you are printing this at home, you’ll want to get some card stock from a store like Staples, so that you can cut the card out and send. You are going to print on one side, then flip the page over and print on the other. It is ideal to get your print shop to do this for you but if you are determined to print at home, it’s going to take a little effort on this one!
6 x 9.5 Black and White
Front and Back | Full Postcard For Home Printer
This is the exact same version as #1 but in black and white!
6 x 9.5 Full Colour
Front and Back | Full Postcard For Print Shop with Crop Marks
Note: this file contains printer’s crop marks. There is no error, these lines are needed.
Download the PDF file to your computer.
Email or bring the PDF file on a USB Memory Stick to your local print shop.
6 x 9.5″
Say Goodbye
Full Colour
Front and Back
Full Postcard
For Home Printer
6 x 9.5″
Say Goodbye
Black and White
Front and Back
Full Postcard
For Home Printer
6 x 9.5″
Say Goodbye
Full Colour
Front and Back
Full Postcard with Crop Marks
For Print Shop
6 x 9.5″
Full Colour
Front and Back
Full Postcard
For Home Printer
6 x 9.5″
Black and White
Front and Back
Full Postcard
For Home Printer
6 x 9.5″
Full Colour
Front and Back
Full Postcard with Crop Marks
For Home Printer
6 x 9.5″
Safer Than Food
Full Colour
Front and Back
Full Postcard
For Home Printer
6 x 9.5″
Safer Than Food
Black and White
Front and Back
Full Postcard
For Home Printer
6 x 9.5″
Safer Than Food
Full Colour
Front and Back
Full Postcard with Crop Marks
For Print Shop
Versions 4, 5 and 6 are unique mailer and flyer versions of the postcard.
8.5 x 11 Full Colour
Two Fold | MP Mailer Version For Home Printer
This version is for you, if you are not able to print the front and back of the postcards at home, on card stock, print this version! It’s a built in mailer! It prints on 8.5 x 11 standard paper. You are going to have to print on one side, flip your paper over in your printer, and print the other side! You’ll see how you can fold it in “thirds” so the MAILING address is on the outside. Fill in your MPs name, close it with a little piece of tape, and pop in your mailbox! No stamp needed. It’s “free postage” since it’s going to the House of Commons.
8.5 x 11 Black and White
Two Fold | MP Mailer Version For Home Printer
This is the exact same version as #4 but in black and white!
8.5 x 11 Full Colour
Single Sided | Flyer Version For Home Printer
This is a standard print one side document. We took the back of the postcard, added it to the front, and removed the mailing address so you could use this to handout as a flyer. It leads people to the NHPPA website to take action. Have a look! You don’t have to print colour if you don’t have the ink but colour is really effective. You could give this to your local print shop too! Decide what works best for you.
8.5 x 11″
Say Goodbye
Full Colour
Two Fold
MP Mailer
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Say Goodbye
Black and White
Two Fold
MP Mailer
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Say Goodbye
Full Colour
Single Sided
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Full Colour
Two Fold
MP Mailer
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Black and White
Two Fold
MP Mailer
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Full Colour
Single Sided
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Safer Than Food
Full Colour
Two Fold
MP Mailer
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Safer Than Food
Black and White
Two Fold
MP Mailer
For Home Printer
8.5 x 11″
Safer Than Food
Full Colour
Single Sided
For Home Printer
Get Creative!
During past postcard campaigns, citizens have gotten very creative.
We’ve seen our PDF postcard files be turned into lawn signs, stapled to phone poles, hung on community boards, and left in windshield wipers!
Although we encourage civil disobedience, please use the appropriate discretion when distributing these materials.
We love to see individuals finding new and unique ways to share important messages with their fellow Canadians! So, be sure to take photos while you’re taking action and then to email us at or tag us in videos and photos across social media.