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Health Canada’s Self-Care Framework is putting Natural Health Products (NHPs) at risk

The Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) is leading a nationwide campaign to stop the Self-Care Framework, which when fully implemented, will result in the loss of most of our natural health products.

Key issues:

  • Health Canada is implementing stricter regulations that will significantly impact consumer choice and restrict access to health products and supplements.

  • Health Canada is introducing new fees on natural health products, which will place a considerable financial strain on NHP businesses. This will lead to significant price hikes for consumers or even force many small to medium-sized companies out of business.

  • Increased Health Canada censorship will prevent truthful advertising by both manufacturers and natural health stores.

  • Huge new fines will cripple and destroy the natural health community. Prior to June 22, 2023, the maximum fine you faced for violating the laws on NHPs (such as selling a product with improper labelling) was $5,000. Now it is $5,000,000 a day.


Repeal Sections 500-504 of Bill C-47

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Stop Cost Recovery for NHP Businesses

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Reclassify NHPs as Foods, not Drugs

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Stop the Self Care Framework

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