Shawn Buckley’s opinion paper outlining what you need to consider about censorship law during the times of COVID-19 is now available.
Prime Minister Trudeau’s Government is planning the implementation of censorship laws and, to date, the proposed measures have been broadly supported in Parliament.
We are being scared into supporting government censorship, all for “your safety and the safety of loved ones”.
As we navigate our experience of the novel coronavirus as one country in a global pandemic, Canadians’ freedoms are being restricted like never before, and the government wants to control the information you receive while restricting your freedom.
We are asking you to educate yourself by downloading and reading this Discussion Paper (April 2020)..
After reading the Censorship Law Discussion Paper, we are requesting you do the following:
- Donate: NHPPA is one of the only organizations currently pushing back to help protect your freedoms. We cannot operate without the support of donors. Please consider signing up for regular monthly donations.
- Call your local MP and demand a phone meeting. Tell them you do not support any type of government censorship.
. - Write a letter to your MP: and tell them you have the ability to decide what information you wish to consume. Letters are taken more seriously than email.
Thank you for standing up and taking action.