Letters to Targeted Bureaucrats

Unelected bureaucrats are primarily responsible for the over-regulation of natural health products. Reach them directly and make it clear you want them to stop restricting your access to natural health products!
You can connect with targeted bureaucrats by phone, by mailing letters, or by email.
Read more about how effectively communicate with these individuals.
Remember that a Bureaucrat Letter is slightly different than an MP letter.
Level 1:
This is a letter that you draft yourself. We have compiled a guide to help you write an effective letter, and have also compiled a list of two dozen potential writing points that you can use as inspiration.
Level 2:
This letter is almost done for you. It is the same form letter as above, but with a blank text box for you to add your own hand-written personal comments. Your effort to draft personalized thoughts, results in more impact on the bureaucrat.
Level 3:
This letter is completely done for you. All you need to do is add the bureaucrats name, sign and date the form letter. This requires the least time investment, but form letters also have the least impact with bureaucrats.
Choose Your Letter:
Level 1
Write Your Own Letter
PDF Download
Word Document
Level 2
Just Add Commentary
PDF Download
Word Document
Level 3
Sign and Date Only
PDF Download
Word Document
For letters to your Member of Parliament, click here.
Send a copy of a Bureaucrat Letter with the Discussion Paper attached to:
Deputy Minister’s Office
Health Canada
Brooke Claxton Building, Tunney’s Pasture
Postal Locator: 0906C
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
If you have a fax machine, then in addition to mailing the letter and Discussion Paper, also fax them to:
Fax: 613-941-5366
If you are feeling particularly assertive you can call Dr. Lucas at 613 957 7790 or email him at stephen.lucas@hc-sc.gc.ca
Director General’s Office
Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate
Building 2 Constellation Dr.
Floor 7 Room 781,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OK9
Mail Stop 2607A
If you have a fax machine, then in addition to mailing the letter and Discussion Paper, also fax them to:
Fax: 613-941-5366
If you want to let her know that you are aware of the issues you can call Natalie Page at 613 952 2558 or email her at natalie.page@hc-sc.gc.ca
Don’t forget.. every time you take action you are part of the solution.
The idea is for your communications to make clear that you are passionate about the issue. So passionate that you are communicating on such a scale that Health Canada bureaucrats and staff have never experienced this before.
Do all the levels of communication over and over again. At least weekly.
Everything you do will make a difference.
You know how only one person can make or break your day?
Today, you are that one person, you are a Canadian citizen. You are entitled to be heard.
Make a bureaucrat’s day!