During our last Charter of Health Freedom petition count update in July 2019 a total of 3,390 of the 101,407 signatures were submitted from Quebec. We need even more representation of French Canadians preserved as petition signatures. Our team was elevated to open an envelope with 210 signatures from a natural health product retailer in Brossard, Quebec! Since the last count only 11 of the hundreds of envelopes received contained 100 or more signatures, and of those, only 3 contained over 200 signatures. So this is a rarity!
We’re confident that many Quebec residents strongly support our mission of curtailing ballooning government oversight and upholding personal freedoms. To facilitate the collection of petition signatures from Canadian francophones, the Charter of Health Freedom petition has been available in French since 2009.
Find French educational pieces that illuminate the importance of the Charter of Health Freedom petition and the current regulatory threats facing all Canadians:
• Documents available in French/Documents disponibles en français