Action Kit // Interview & Lecture Links


NHPPA has been presenting the case against Health Canada’s trajectory with regard to natural health products since 2008. NHPPA president, Shawn Buckley has been interviewed, given lectures, appeared as an expert on panels and before Senate, and has filmed open letters. As part of your toolkit for action, NHPPA has compiled these accessible and engaging presentations below.

Here are some ways you can use the informational videos on this page:

  • Watch them yourself to deepen your understanding of the detailed information behind the regulations and legislation that are impacting our freedoms
  • Post a link a week to your Social Media pages
  • Tweet the links to your network
  • Include links to our videos in your blog
  • Hold a video evening: invite some friends to your home to learn and discuss together
  • Email a video link to your MP and ask  for comments


The Charter of Health Freedom
In a series of video explanations, Shawn Buckley takes viewers through the Charter of Health Freedom, section by section. He offers insights into the construction of a piece of legislation and the thinking that underpins the purpose of the Charter. These clips make it easy to understand the purpose and value of the Charter. (20 clips, ranging from 30 seconds to 3 mins.)


Hugh Reilly of ThatChannel Interviews Shawn Buckley on the harm Health Canada is causing Canadians
On May 12, 2018, while in Toronto for the Total Health Show, Shawn Buckley sat down with Hugh Reilly of for a candid interview that includes the statement, ‘Health Canada is causing harm to Canadians. Canadians will hold them accountable.’ (53 mins.)

Robert Scott Bell Interviews Shawn Buckley, Canada’s Health Freedom Lawyer
Robert Scott Bell did a fantastic interview with Shawn Buckley on May 12, 2018 on location at the Total Health Show in Toronto. (27 mins.)

Toronto Truth Seekers: Shawn Buckley on the regulatory climate in 2013
Vijay Sarma, of Toronto Truth Seekers produced a must-see interview with Shawn at the NHPPA’s Total Health Show booth. The interview is cut together with sections of Shawn’s lecture from the show and forms an ideal introduction to the issues we are all fighting. (20 mins.)

Liquid Lunch: Shawn Buckley in Discussion May 4/11
Shawn and the Liquid Lunch team discuss Health Canada’s bias towards keeping pharmaceuticals on the market while they ban NHPs. (32 mins.)

Media Reel: Shawn Buckley On Health Canada Inspectors Jan 7/10
Two ‘Quick Clips’. Shawn Buckley speaks about Health Canada Inspectors  and Product Testing. (Each 2 mins.)

Shawn Buckley on Liquid Lunch Nov 24/10
The end of Rule of Law in Canada: Shawn Buckley on the danger to personal freedom contained in Bill C-36 currently before the senate. (52  mins.)

Shawn Buckley on Liquid Lunch Nov 16/10
Introducing the Freedom In Crisis Lecture Tour, including how the Natural Health Product Regulations have Health Canada poised to raid legitimate business. (2 hrs.)

Shaw TV’s Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer Jul 19/10
Part 1: Shawn Buckley explains the history of  Bill C-51 and how it would allow untrained Health Canada inspectors to make health decisions. (10 mins.)

Shaw TV’s Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer Jul 19/10
Part 2: The real life consequences of Health Canada’s mistakes and how Bill C-51 will change the prospects for legitimate business. (6 mins.)

Shawn Buckley on Liquid Lunch Jul 27/10
Shawn Buckley talks about his transformation to fighting for health freedom with his National Health Products Protection Association. (31 mins.)

Media Reel: A Dangerous Precedent: Bill C-6 Jun 27/09
Shawn Buckley speaks about C6, the Rule of Law and why Canadians should be concerned about this proposed legislation. (3 mins.)


Health Canada’s Upcoming Over Regulation of NHPs Oct 17/18
While visiting Citizens for Choice in Health Care (CCHC) in Edmonton, Alberta, Shawn shared examples of natural health product (NHP) losses when Health Canada suddenly removed NHPs from stores and made it illegal to access them. He gives real stories of panic and deep suffering when treatments people rely on for well-being are taken away. (78 mins.)

Censorship, Science Belief: The Truth Would Set You Free May 12/18
In this lecture with Shawn Buckley at the 2018 Total Health Show in Toronto, he’ll explain how government censorship and slanted science are used to limit your access to NHPs and important research about them, as well as why widely-held false beliefs about “safety and protection” need to be challenged. (55 mins.)

Suppressing the Truth, Gambling with Your Safety, Deciding for Yourself Apr /15
During this lecture at the Total Health Show in Toronto, Shawn Buckley provides an update on the government’s tireless efforts to “protect” you. (55 mins.)

Moving Out of the Eye of the Hurricane and into the Storm – Apr 5/14
This lecture, given while Shawn Buckley was in Toronto for the 2014 Total Health Show, CETA, Natural Health Products and Bill C-17 are all discussed. (57 mins.)

Canada’s New Food Safety Laws Apr 5/13
“Know what dangers can now be in your food, legally.” In addition to timely updates from the world of regulation and enforcement, as Health Canada’s attitudes shift to and fro, this presentation looks at the hidden safety implications of Canada’s 2012 ‘Omnibus Bill’. (55 mins.)

Occupy Your Body Apr 22/12
Speaking at the Whole Life Expo in November 2011, Shawn Buckley draws on the imagery of the ‘Occupy’ year to explain the need for us to act to save our freedoms. He asks ‘Why do we love slavery?’ as he demonstrates that doing nothing in the face of eroding freedoms amounts to just that. (55 mins.)


The Freedom In Crisis Lecture Vancouver Dec 6/10
Watch Shawn Buckley’s accessible and entertaining presentation of the issues facing Canadians as Bill-36 goes to Senate and as Health Canada ramps up enforcement of the NHP Regulations. (8 instalments, each 10 mins approx.)

Shawn Buckley at the Total Health Expo Toronto Apr 23/10
Speaking on the subject of freedom of choice, in a regime that is progressively restricting choices, Shawn Buckley urges Canadians to wake up and understand the tradeoff between real freedom and illusory safety. (6 instalments, each 10 mins approx.)

Restricting Our Freedoms – Shawn Buckley on Bill C-6 Winnipeg June 27/09
In a presentation on the implications of Bill C-6, Shawn Buckley discusses the Law of Trespass, the Rule of Law and the constitutional problems with unsupervised bureaucracy. (2 instalments, each 10 mins approx.)


‘Open Letter’ to Senators Dec/06/10
In a video letter to Senate Shawn Buckley offers some observations on democracy, the purpose of Senate and the constitution, in the context of Bill C-36. (5 mins.)


In Committee  from the Senate of Canada Ottawa Nov 25/09
After a national letter-writing campaign to Senate, from thousands of Canadians, Shawn Buckley was invited to appear before the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology as an expert witness in consideration of Bill C-6. After an initial presentation, he takes questions from Senators of  all parties. (10 instalments, each 10 mins approx.)