New NHPPA T-Shirts. Order Yours Today! Apr 23/13

Wear your opinion! Educate the public about the NHP Regulations in a fun and provocative way. All statements are fully referenced, of course!

The NHPPA has released three new T-Shirts that will have your back read at coffee shop line-ups across Canada. Produced with a professional, durable heat transfer technology, they were made for the 2013 Total Health Show to help the NHPPA fundraise. They can be ordered in a medium or large size. Order by emailing with the quantity you’d like. Each T-Shirt is $25 plus shipping and handling charges. T-Shirts are 100% pre-shrunk heavy cotton.


The back reads, “Despite the fact that there have been zero recorded deaths from consumption of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbal remedies, or amino acid supplements, Health Canada continues a very aggressive approach to regulating NHPs, treating them as if they were the most toxic of all substances on the open market.” ~ Zoltan Rona, MD, M.Sc.

This is a direct quote from Zoltan Rona’s recent article featured in Vitality Magazine entitled  “Government Protects Drugs While It Seizes Natural Health Products. Part II: Drug and Vaccine Scandals.”

CLICK HERE to read the full article.



The back reads, “We know that Canadians, mostly children, die every year from nut allergies by eating things such as peanut butter. Compared to every natural health product on the market, peanut butter is significantly more dangerous. However, peanut butter is not dangerous enough for us to support spending hundreds of millions of dollars to set up a separate directorate to protect us. As wasteful as a Health Canada Peanut Butter Directorate would be, ironically it could save the odd life. Unfortunately, my fear is that NHP Directorate is actually going to cost lives.” ~ Shawn Buckley, LLB

CLICK HERE to learn more and to watch Shawn Buckley highlight the relative risks between peanut butter and Natural health Products.



The back reads, “A recent study shows the risk of mortality from taking vitamin food supplements is actually far less than the chance of being struck by lightning. In fact, you are 26–68 times more likely to be struck by lightning that will cause death than being harmed by a natural health product. If Health Canada is sincere about protecting Canadians, it could start by addressing the 10,000 pharma deaths a year in Canada due to drug dosage errors and adverse reactions.” ~ Alliance for Natural Health Europe

This comes from an article by the Alliance for Natural Health Europe entitled “ANH Exclusive! Official EU data indicate lightning more likely to kill than herbs or vitamins.”

CLICK HERE to read the full article.