During the summer of 2013, all Federal MPs received a print copy of the Charter of Health Freedom. Some MPs responded with form letters which didn’t address the issues. Step 2 of our national campaign involves tools to move all MPs closer to real engagement.
Shawn analyzed the letters from MPs that citizens forwarded to NHPPA. He then prepared a document to rebut their comments, including questions to ask all MPs, as well as specific questions directed at the MPs who sent replies.
NHPPA compiled a full information pack to continue, deepen (and frequently correct) the conversation with MPs. This new ‘Rebuttal Package’ includes Shawn’s analysis, news and information on the Charter in 2014 and an update on the records broken by the Charter of Health Freedom petition.
Carolyn Steele, writer and NHPPA’s Information Officer, along with Melody Byblow, Toronto Holistic Nutritionist, who helped spearhead Shawn’s Nutritionist’s Webinar in 2013, explain to show visitors how to work with the Step 2 material.
The package speaks to several different misconceptions apparent in MPs’ letters regarding the Charter. We asked those taking the package spend a little time highlighting the sections which were most important for them and developing their own thoughts to add. MPs need to know that you are not a computer, so the pre-addressed outer cover for this new information has a space for your personal comments.
Our visitors loved the chance to collect new material, discussing with Shawn the frustrations of trying to communicate with their MPs. We are delighted with the enthusiastic reception of these powerful new tools.
We know, and you know, that your MP is being mislead by Health Canada as to the real, harmful effects of the 2004 NHP Regulations. Your MP will only hear this from you. Get your highlighters ready, Step 2 is under way.