Helke Ferrie’s “Creative Outrage” Will Give You the Courage to Use Your Own Reason Mar 5/14

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Helke Ferrie is one of the Canadian health freedom community’s most vocal and articulate mentors.

For over a decade her publishing company, Kos Publishing, has produced groundbreaking texts for our industry including; Corrupt to the Core – Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower by Shiv Chopra, Ending Denial – The Lyme Disease Epidemic A Canadian Public Health Disaster by Helke Ferrie and Healing The Planet – One Patient At A Time by Dr. Jozef Krop.

Helke is a friend, supporter and colleague of NHPPA and has a gift for our subscribers: a free download of her latest book, first published in 2013.

Helke’s decision to make this book a complimentary download to both NHPPA’s membership and the natural health community, is not without a dramatic back story!


This anthology is packed with advice and information on how to pick your battles and harness your outrage. Find out how to how to tell genuine research from propaganda and learn the history of modern medical attitudes. With commentary, book reviews and articles from industry experts you will go back to this resource time after time.

Helke advises, “There are many causes, all equally worthy. The one that makes you angry and speaks to you profoundly—that’s the one that picked you.” She articulates the cause that picked us at the NHPPA, “…we are heading for ‘tyranny light’ as our governments determinedly proceed to ensure that we are protected in every which way except the way we want.” Whether your personal cause is naturopathic practice, food safety, cancer treatment, EMF protection, the drugging of children or a combination of these, you will find up-to-date information, advice and the tools you need to “have the courage to use your own reason.”

Helke has taken the unusual step of reviewing her own book, in order to explain why it is a free download. This review, in itself, is a powerful education in environmental illness.

Read Helke Ferrie’s own review of Creative Outrage and how her latest book became toxic.

Download a free pdf copy of Creative Outrage (without any danger to your health!)