On Monday August 16th at 10:00 AM, one full day before the close of the
Hill Times STOP Bill C-36 ‘ad’ fundraiser, we reached $6385.00!
We over-achieved and did it before our deadline. This has set a clear precedent that Canadians, through the NHPPA’s work, do not want our government to consider an unwanted and unecessary piece of legislation like Bill C-36. It also is clear that there is a sea of motivated natural health and freedom advocates who are moved to make things happen.
Thank-you, everyone. Truly.
Before the end of next week, an insertion order will be placed at the Hill Times.
Soon after that, we’ll draft the communication to urge our nation’s MPs and Senators to take a closer look at the implications of the proposed Consumer Product Safety Act. We hope they understand the great number of people who gathered their resources to have the NHPPA present a collective public ask to Stop Bill C-36.
Remember, the cap on this dollar match campaign? You helped us double the funds that NHPPA has to work with. Today, our new supporter, confirmed the additional $5000.00 was on its way. These funds will be used immediately to build the next phase of our Stop Bill C-36 intentions. In the next 3 weeks we will encourage NHPPA’s team of citizen lobbyists to continue to assert their wishes to Parliament and Health Canada.
We will need everyone who believes in freedom, and Canada, to participate.
Even though the updates of our work on countering the issues with the current NHP Regulations are not being posted during this campaign, please know, that our agenda has not stopped in favour of Bill C-36. To those of you in the natural health community counting on the NHPPA to speak on your behalf understand that this movement is always part of the fabric of our efforts.
We do not have to settle or celebrate minor concessions.
We can re-focus and move forward.
Please watch for the launch of these specific campaigns and updates on our social networks. It’s the best place to keep updated.
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