Due to the format and bias that does not ask for positive feedback about Natural Health Products (NHPs), it appears to us that this specific survey is written to generate a case for Adverse Reaction Reporting and additional Label Requirements. Health Canada is seeking input from Canadians who use NHPs through The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP-Canada), an adverse drug reaction reporting agency. The survey questions Canadians use of NHPs and their negative experiences.
Complete this survey (no more than 10 minutes), submit and share with your network.
The survey closes March 9, 2020.
As you likely know, Health Canada has been implementing their proposed Self-Care Framework that harmonizes the regulation of NHPs and chemical Over the Counter Drugs (OTCs). Although Health Canada continues to oppose his position, NHPPA President and constitutional lawyer, Shawn Buckley, has written extensively on the subject outlining the negative effects of this new regulatory structure. The changes have been felt by small and medium-sized NHP manufacturers, retailers and practitioners who can no longer rely on “traditional claims” or “permitted claims”. The Canadian public has also lost personal access to products and practices as a direct result of the draconian powers Health Canada has signaled it will continue to seek and implement.
Discussion Papers: