From: Jolanta Mojsej []
On Behalf Of selfcareproducts-produitsautosoins
Sent: July 24, 2017 4:30 PM
Subject: Subject: Happy International Self-Care Day and Updates
Dear Stakeholder,
Further to the online public consultation in the fall of 2016, Health Canada recently conducted additional public consultations to gather perspectives on a proposal to modernize the regulation of self-care products. Through a series of webinars and in-person meetings in cities across Canada, the Department engaged consumers, industry, health care professionals, academia and other interested stakeholders on the policy proposal.
Today, on International Self-Care Day, we are publishing a summary of what we heard during the recent consultations in June, available at:
Health Canada also wants to take the opportunity to thank everyone who participated in these sessions. Overall, there has been a tremendous amount of interest and engagement on Health Canada’s proposal. The feedback you provided will help to shape the modernization of self-care product regulation in Canada.
We are now examining this valuable feedback, and determining next steps in developing the regulations.
I encourage you to stay tuned to updates on the regulation of self-care products at the following web site:
Happy International Self-Care Day!
Manon Bombardier
Director General, Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate