We have a new approach for writing to your MP this year.
Most MPs have neither the time nor the inclination to examine carefully the legislation they are asked to vote on. Many rarely even read it, they rely on their party whip to tell them what to do, think and say.
When it comes to a situation as complex as regulation of NHPs, your MP needs to understand that the information they are receiving from Health Canada is misleading. This means that they have to be persuaded to spend time reading. In the past, we have tried a number of ways to assist you with materials to discuss with your MP.
We produced a full analysis of the history and consequences of the NHP Regulations as they are currently written. We made it available for you to use to open the conversation with your MP before the 2011 federal election. It remains the most comprehensive outline of the current situation and is an ideal primer for MPs who are new to the problem.
CLICK HERE to download the full MP Package.
It does, however, require a little reading effort from your MP. Not all of them will make the time.
We supplied ready-written one,-sided letters for you to send to your MP and/or Senators. Each letter puts the issues succinctly and is a useful tool for you, however we know from transcripts of Senate Committee meetings that form letters are viewed by many in government as computer-generated.
CLICK HERE to see the letters you have sent before. If you see one you haven’t sent yet, and want to mail it, be sure to add some of your own thoughts in the space provided. Even highlighting a point that matters to you can tell your MP you are not a machine.
How best to remind MPs that the natural health community remains at risk, despite Health Canada’s assurances to the contrary? We need a way for every citizen to supply cogent, correct and up-to-date information and to make it clear that a real person cares enough to put pen to paper.
We also know that you and your MP have plenty else to fill your days with.
Our plan for 2013 is both easy and personalized.
Coming soon:
A series of new published articles from industry experts, current for 2013.
Each article will be in .pdf format for you to download and print.
We are also supplying an ‘MP Information Wrapper’ for you to enclose your information in.
It will tell your MP that you have specifically chosen an article that is meaningful for you, and it will leave space for you to explain why. Ready-addressed for you, this will make it as easy as possible for every constituent to send a different package of vital reading matter.
We want 2013 to be the year when every MP hears from you and we are building the tools you need.
Subscribe to the 308 Network and/or ‘like’ us on FaceBook to receive notification as soon as this new toolkit goes live.
Let 2013 be the year we remind all MPs that they work for us.