One of the ways we use our time to support you is in preparing tools for you to use. Now here is the most recent project in our series!
Our new Store Support Action Kit contains everything you need to set up a Charter of Health Freedom petition station and information centre.
We received your positive feedback to our newest materials at the Total Heath Show in April, so now they are here for you to download, print and use!
From our Store Support Action Kit page, you will find links to NHPPA’s essential information handouts, backgrounders on the NHP regulatory crisis, window posters, merchandise, bag stuffers, articles, videos and much more.
We have also included suggestions and ideas for how to use these tools to the
best advantage. The kit has been designed with Health Food Stores in mind. Every customer who buys a Natural Health Product needs to know that the items they rely on are under threat and they have a right to know how to protest. The tools are there for any stakeholder and citizen to use. Please take a look at the materials we have prepared for you to spread the word and educate your networks.
CLICK HERE to access the Store Support Action Kit.
These materials are free for you to use.
We have designed them in black and white, mostly double sided and sized for a domestic printer to keep your printing costs to a minimum, although you can
email the .pdf files to a professional printer if you so desire. Development, writing, designing and web maintenance are all services for which the NHPPA pays professionals. If you find the information of use and would like to make a donation to ensure that well-researched and professionally designed tools continue to be available to you, CLICK HERE
We will continue crafting the tools but, as ever, only you can use them.