We are always delighted when a stand or booth is funded by a supporter to allow us to attend exhibitions. This has happened again this year and we are truly grateful on behalf of the entire natural health community. We are calling out to our supporters to assist with the final $2,200.00 needed for us to come in fully on budget for this event.
Help us reach our essential disbursements for this event.
NHPPA’s attendance at a show typically uses $5,800.00 of your contributions. This is always our most visible opportunity to let you know what we are doing, update you with the latest news and get print materials out to as many stakeholders and citizens as possible. Your support helped us get to the Whole Life Expo with vital news about new legislation in the fall of 2012. The natural health community is experiencing change faster than ever during 2013 and as more people begin to feel the effects of NHP restrictions, our information changes frequently.
Once again, the producers of The Total Health Show have asked Shawn to give two lectures while we distribute materials from our own full booth! They know, as we do, that our work supports the change we want to see at Health Canada. A single individual supporter could not bear the cost to host NHPPA at this show. We ask all of those who value our work to help spread the cost evenly across the industry and public supporters. Since the NHPPA is completely reliant on donor support to function, we may otherwise have to find the costs of attending from our regular operating budget. This can only detract from the work we do on a day to day basis, advising, informing and supporting individual stakeholders to spread the message.
If you already support us on a regular basis we would ask you to consider a one-time donation.
If you have not yet become a financial supporter for the NHPPA, and you have found any of our action kits, handouts, leaflets, Discussion Papers, videoed lectures or online interviews useful, please consider a one-off or small regular contribution. All of these services cost money to produce and they are currently being funded by a small group of concerned industry stakeholders and citizens just like you.
The Total Health Show runs April 5-7 2013, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
CLICK HERE to donate today.
Our preparations have begun now.
The Directors of the Total Health Show heard Shawn Buckley’s capacity presentation at the Whole Life Expo. They have specifically asked him to repeat his message, so important do they consider it to be.
In CANADA’S NEW FOOD SAFETY LAWS. KNOW WHAT DANGERS CAN NOW BE IN YOUR FOOD, LEGALLY Shawn analyzes theunpredictable ramifications for food safety of the ‘Omnibus Bill’, Bill C-38, passed in 2012. He asks whether we still truly live in a democracy andexplains how knowing why food safety is no longer a guarantee in Canada can help you make better choices to protect yourself.
Shawn has researched how the Government passed amendments to 70 laws in one massive document, usually used to make minor changes to the annual budget. Those amendments included significant changes to the Food and Drugs act. He says, “Our food safety laws have been absolutely gutted and done in a way that undermines the single protection that we have, of parliamentary process.” He adds that the Food and Drugs Act contains the accumulated wisdom of 100 years of research, not just to prevent fraud and adulteration but to keep our food safe from harmful additives. The presentation details specifically how the safeguards to our foods have been removed and presents a challenge to us all: “I’d love you to ask your MP, how can it possibly be in anyone’s interest, I’m talking about the public here, for the Minister to exempt a food from our food safety laws without determining that it’s safe?”
Shawn has now been scheduled to repeat this lecture from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday, in Lecture Hall 206 and 205, respectively.
“Do not be afraid to offer ideas that draw opposition. Remember, if no one is against your idea, then your idea probably doesn’t do anything.” ~Marco Rubio
The NHPPA was thrilled to be offered space again this month in one of Canada’s most respected and widely circulated natural health magazines to let readers know about The Charter of Health Freedom! Close to 200,000 citizens pick up the print version of Alive in one of 900 stores across the country and in the March edition they are able to learn about “a proactive law which, while giving the Government more teeth to address real dangers, would also require a balancing between an individual’s need for a remedy and the State’s goal of addressing real risks.” We sincerely appreciate repeated invitations to submit timely writing to this great publication.
CLICK HERE to read The Charter of Health Freedom | Balancing natural health product access with safety.
In the meantime, an interesting debate has begun around an article of Shawn’s in the December edition of Alive.
In his article Safe or Unsafe? Shawn Buckley told the tale of Geri, a woman who has lived with breast cancer for 25 years, and who attributes her longevity to Natural Health Products (NHPs). Shawn relates that Geri: “…truly cannot understand why a natural remedy she relies on to stay alive is being taken away from her. She certainly does not feel protected or safe because of the regulations.
The article was noticed by Health Canada’s NHP Directorate and has been responded to by its Acting Director General, Adam Gibson. His letter to Alive, answering Shawn’s piece, has created quite a buzz and we look forward to continued correspondence and comment in the coming months. A response to Adam Gibson’s Letter to the Editor has already been submitted to Alive by Dr. Zoltan Rona. Dr. Rona has had a well-respected private medical practice in Toronto for 35 years, is the author or co-author of 12 books on natural medicine and sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of Alive Magazine.
Dr. Rona states, “Shawn Buckley has the evidence and my direct experience as a practicing physician verifies to me that he is one hundred percent correct. Accusations made by Health Canada to the contrary are nothing more than noisy spin control aimed at deflecting the public from the truth.”
CLICK HERE to read Shawn Buckley’s article Safe or Unsafe? published in Alive Magazine (Dec 2012)
CLICK HERE to see Adam Gibson’s Letter to the Editor and the comments it has prompted so far on NHPPA’s Facebook page and Dr. Rona’s rebuttal
Much is beginning to happen this year. As more people become personally affected by the loss of products, and as more mainstream media outlets begin to pay attention, we at the NHPPA are busier than ever. We want to keep you updated as things happen in the most efficient way we can, so we are starting to produce more short updates via Facebook. With the instant interactivity you can make your thoughts known to us and to each other right away.
We will continue to send out our E-blasts as a monthly ‘digest’ of events, so if you enjoy receiving news from us in this way you need do nothing at all. If you’d like news as it happens and to join the conversation be sure to ‘like’ our Facebook page.
CLICK HERE to join NHPPA’s Facebook community.