Nutritionists’ Webinar: Sponsor Information


MANY OF US ARE UNAWARE OF HOW HEALTH CANADA’S POLICIES HAVE impacted our access to Natural Health Products (NHPs). If things don’t change, these regulations may affect what we teach and how we practice as nutritionists.

Your students or membership have a unique educational opportunity to learn more about the controversial regulations imposed on us by Health Canada’s authority for NHPS: The NHPD (Natural Health Products Directorate). This opportunity was created to address how these regulations impact nutritionists and the influence we have in protecting our professional scope of practice, personal rights and ability to live a holistic lifestyle.

On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Shawn Buckley, LLB, President of Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA), a constitutional and criminal lawyer with expertise in the Food and Drugs Act and NHP Regulations, will provide a Canada-wide webinar exclusively for holistic nutritionists.

“Tomorrow’s Access to Supplements in Clinical Practice”will be a LIVE 1-hour on-line presentation and 30-minute Q&A focused on educating us on:

  1. How Health Canada has caused a divide and misled us about the “need and value” of the regulations.
  2. The obstacles and losses faced by Canada’s supplement companies and traditional herbalists.
  3. What our future looks like under these ever-changing regulations, and potential outcomes.
  4. How this will affect our professional choices in practice and personal choices at home.
  5. Consequences we face as the profiles of some of our trusted products begin to change (cost, potency, efficacy).
  6. The direct and impactful action we can take to protect our rights and freedoms to practice with the tools we need in our profession.

How can you participate?

We are inviting natural nutrition schools and our professional organizations to sponsor this holistic nutritionist exclusive educational webinar so we can bring this important information to as many nutritionists across Canada as possible. For your participation we are requesting:

  1. Sponsorship donation of $300:  This contribution helps cover the costs associated with the webinar production and the marketing to reach the thousands of nutritionists across Canada.
  2. Marketing to your graduates,  students or members:   We will provide you with a marketing communications email package, and all we request is that you distribute this to your students or members.
  3. Your approval of Continuing Education Credits (CECs), or student credits for educational time outside of classroom learning. The approved number of credits per organization will be publicized in the marketing materials.

Benefits to your organization, professional members and students:

  1. Your faculty or organization will be positioned as an industry leader in helping protect the viability of nutritionists’ businesses and access to NHPs, and your organization’s name will be featured on the campaign’s online marketing materials and communications.
  2. Be more informed on the recent and upcoming changes to the NHP industry and to the practice of holistic nutrition.
  3. Gain a better understanding about the work being done to protect our rights and freedoms.
  4. Become more empowered by knowing the influence nutritionists have in making positive changes by way of petitions, raising public awareness and helping the “Charter of Health Freedom” developed by the NHPPA (a proposed piece of legislation protecting our constitutional rights) to become law. Learn more here and at

Please support us in helping protect nutritionists’ right to practice, educate and live holistically by:

  • Sponsoring and promoting this exclusive educational opportunity for nutritionists, a live webinar with Shawn Buckley, LLB on Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 at 8:00pm EST – 9:30pm EST (Note:  cost is $25 per nutritionist);
  • Your school or organization contributing $300 sponsorship fee.

For additional insight, background information and highlights of some of the issues we face are provided in Appendix 1 on the next page.

We look forward to speaking with you about your participation in this opportunity and taking a leadership role in helping to educate nutritionists across the country on this very important subject.


The Planning Committee | NHPPA Nutritionists’ Webinar with Shawn Buckley


Appendix 1


The work NHPPA (Natural Health Products Protection Association) has accomplished to date has been instrumental in raising awareness and addressing the Health Canada “Natural Health Products Regulations” which came into effect on January 1, 2004. However, there is still much more to be done, as the proposed legislation in the “Charter for Health Freedom” is not law, yet. More people are needed to understand the issues and ask our government to make changes – who better than our nutritionist professionals who have a very real and personal stake in the issues? However, at present few nutritionists fully understand or are aware of the issues, and many are misinformed, which is why this educational webinar is so critical and timely.

The current Health Canada regulations have created onerous regulatory processes that have already eliminated our access to many NHPs that many people have relied upon for many years. In addition, Health Canada’s regulatory guidelines:

–          Limit a nutritionist’s ability to recommend many products to clients that have already been removed from the market, often leaving them no choice but pharmaceutical drugs with side effects;

–          Limit development of new innovative multi-ingredient NHPs due to the increased costs to create, test and become approved under the licensing process;

–          Have led to manufacturers’ voluntary removal of products from the Canadian market due to the costs and onerous approval process;

–          Has resulted in thousands of foreign NHPs no longer available, and is estimated that 75%-80% of NHPs that are currently used to become unavailable under the current regulations;

–          Impact many innovative herbalists and producers who will be put out of business, resulting in nutritionists having very restricted or no access to beneficial natural products;

–          Positioning by Health Canada has created unnecessary and unsubstantiated fear about the safety and efficacy of NHPs;

–          Threatens the historical therapeutic natural remedies used in Traditional Medicine, including for example, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, First Nations medicine, and many other herbal medicines.

More details of NHPPA’s work, including the proposed “Charter of Health Freedom”, are available at and at