That’s what we heard time and time again at this year’s Total Health Show. We are grateful, on behalf of all the stakeholders we represent as well as Canadians across the country, to those in the industry who made our visit to the Total Health Show possible with donations and support. Thanks to you all, every contribution helped with our attendance.
This page contains snapshots of the happenings from the show as well as an audio recording of Shawn’s full one hour lecture.
NHPPA’s President Shawn Buckley at our new corner booth with legal research assistant Geneviève Eliany, Information Officer Carolyn Steele, and new volunteer Sarah Orr.
The NHPPA’s Ontario team were delighted to attend this year’s Total Health Show. This year, not only did we occupy our own booth, we were sited on a corner which provided us with plenty of extra space for all of our new materials.
NHPPA’s new range of information handouts.
We arrived armed with new handouts this year, reprints of recent hard-hitting and relevant opinion pieces, a popular new T shirt design for people to purchase, and best of all, three great new volunteers.
Sarah helps to support the team on a busy Saturday morning.
As you can see, people crowded to the NHPPA’s booth this year. To all of you who visited and shared your stories and concerns with us this year, thank you so much. We enjoyed meeting every one of you and we hope that you will find the conversations we had, and the information you took away, really helpful.
Angie helps a citizen to get informed on a busy Sunday afternoon.
This is the year that you’re telling us it’s personal. Everyone we spoke to has found that they, or someone they know, has lost access to a product they rely on. Among the great conversations we had about products that have changes lives, we also heard some worrying indications of the results of the current trajectory. For the years since 2004, when the NHP Regulations were written, and since 2008 when the NHPPA began the conversation over what they would mean, it’s been a slightly cerebral, dry debate for many. The message that Shawn has spread during his lectures hasn’t wavered in its conviction that the inevitable result of the Regulations will be personal tragedy for Canadians. This year, Canadians are seeing this outcome more than ever, they have lost a product they rely on for their health and wellbeing. We cannot be pleased to hear this…for that individual it is already too late. Hearing the political made personal though spurs us on to fight harder for the rights of those whose health can still be protected.
Shawn’s lecture galvanized many to action.
When people with concerns for their health freedom hear Shawn speak, we always see them in action afterwards. Individuals may be angry and concerned, but sometimes they just need a little information and support to convert that energy into effective campaigning. This year’s anthem ‘Occupy Your Body’ has captured imaginations, we all know that we can do this if we will. Concerned citizens, yet again became empowered freedom fighters last weekend. For those of you who couldn’t make it to Toronto, we have videoed this lecture and it will be available to watch on the website soon.
CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN to Shawn Buckley’s lecture at the Total Health Show 2012
Shawn updates, empowers and encourages.
At the NHPPA booth, we always know when Shawn’s lecture has just finished, the steady flow of people coming to sign our petition for the Charter of Health Freedom becomes a line-up and we make sure to have some spare clipboards and pens on hand. This year we broke our previous record for a single weekend and added 700 unique, individual Canadian citizens’ signatures.
News of the petition is spreading far and wide.
Another ‘first’ for us this year was the surge in people wanting to set up their own petition stations in offices, stores and community centres. A huge thank you to everyone who took petitions and handouts away to do this. If you would like to join them in this effective form of outreach, all the materials will be available to download shortly!
Campaign Director/Executive Coordinator Julia Rickert and Carolyn answer follow-up questions from citizens.
We always love questions at the NHPPA booth and we heard an exciting new question this year. Once people had signed the petition they asked us, “What else can I do?” That really is our favourite and our answer is always “Educate Your Networks!” Then we sit back to enjoy the chat about innovative ways to do this. Kudos to the freedom fighter who replied, “OK then, I’m going to video you telling me about the petition and put it on my blog tonight.” And to another who will be visiting his MP this week to explain his need for NHPs and to ask him to have a telephone conversation with Shawn.
The Sunday team, Shawn,Geneviève, Julia and Carolyn with new volunteers Angie Maganja and Liam Ross.
We had a truly inspiring weekend. We saw that our task has changed, from trying to help industry stakeholders to understand the crisis, to supporting them in passing on that understanding to others. The message is out there, and as we listen to you we understand that our shift towards devising materials for you to use to educate your networks is timely and vital.
New Charter of Health Freedom T-Shirts!
The NHPPA has released our prototypes for the Charter of Health Freedom T-Shirt. They are produced with a professional and durable heat transfer technology. We’d eventually like to put these T-Shirts into wide release and get them silkscreened for mass distribution. These T-Shirts were produced for us as a test and there are only 22 left! They were made for the Total Health Show to help the NHPPA fundraise. They are all large and can be ordered by emailing with the quantity you’d like. Each T-Shirt is $25 plus shipping and handling charges.
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