This August 18, 2017 article (2 minute read) by Kevin Martin of the Calgary Herald, “Non-profit suing CBC for defamation over series of articles”, shares the details of a law suit brought by Pure North S’Energy Foundation (“Pure North”), against the CBC for inaccurate and defamatory reporting about the organization. Pure North is a non-profit preventative wellness organization co-founded by natural health enthusiast, philanthropist, and former Calgary Flames owner, Allan Markin.
“Pure North has repeatedly requested that the CBC change its reporting to publicize accurate facts, and Pure North has supported its requests with multiple pieces of scientific research and practice guidelines for medical practitioners which supports Pure North’s practices and operations”, the article reports.
It is no secret that in today’s fast-paced and heavily populated media industry, journalists face challenges in carrying out the due diligence required for accurate and unbiased press. Access to the most up-to-date information is demanded around the clock and, with that, for some media outlets, comes less scrutiny in research and reporting. Significant skew factors also include politically right, left or ideologically driven components of a news medium.
When it comes to issues surrounding natural health, CBC has a reputation for engaging in “yellow journalism” to perpetuate the misconceptions and myths surrounding NHPs, natural treatments, their safety and effectiveness. A good example is the inaccuracy and manufactured distortions written regarding the death of David and Collet Stephan’s son Ezekiel. What has been reported seriously questions these journalist’s processes and competence as well as both their value and critical judgments.
CBC’s the Fifth Estate episode “Magic Pills” debacle in 2015, and their eventual retraction, is another example of their lack of journalistic integrity. Shawn Buckley wrote commentary on this.
Like NHPPA, Allan Markin, does not eschew conventional medical treatments. Rather, he advocates for and supports freedom to choose natural alternatives. Read more about Allan Markin’s work and philanthropy through Pure North.