Here are some suggested questions for you to ask regarding the 2004 NHPPA Regulations:
- Does your MP or their family take any natural products?
- Does your MP know how many of his or her constituents run businesses which are affected by the NHP regulations?
- Has your MP been in contact to discuss any effects of the Regulations with these businesses?
- What does your MP think about the licensing of Red Bull as a natural health product when similar regulations in Europe have rejected its health claims?
- What does your MP think about the refusal of licence for a parsley product on the grounds that it cannot prove safety?
- How does your MP feel about the refusal of Health Canada to take notice of letters from patients begging for access to the products they need?
- How much does your MP know about the Truehope trials? (Information in MP Report)
- What is your MP’s reaction to the evidence given under oath by the Health Canada employees? (Information in MP Report)
- Does your MP know how many deaths have been attributable to NHPs since Confederation?
- Does your Mp know how many deaths are attributable annually to pharmaceutical drugs/peanut butter/shellfish/cigarettes?
- How does your MP feel about Canadians having the freedom to buy cigarettes but not to buy parsley in a capsule?
- Does your MP have any knowledge of the 53 recommendations made by the Standing Committee on Health and accepted by the Health Minister in 1999?
- The Minister of Health wrote in August 2010 that “almost 500 serious adverse reactions related to NHPs were reported to Health Canada” during the previous two years. To date, no evidence of these reports has been seen by agencies requesting them under the Freedom of Information Act. Could your MP intervene to help provide them?
- How does your MP feel about the principle of allowing a single agency to draft, enforce and supervise its own regulations? We do not allow the police to write laws and then supervise their own actions.
- Does your MP agree that it is part of parliament’s role to protect our constitutional rights and freedoms?
- Under what level of risk to the nation does your MP think that your freedom to choose to consume a natural product should be curtailed?
- Does your MP seriously think the risk from NHPs is great enough to warrant armed raids and bankruptcies?
- Has your MP read the Charter of Health Freedom?
- Does your MP support its introduction into legistation?
- If so, how can you help?
- If not, why not?