Counterpoint? Leave it to the independent media. On July 16, 2019, Shawn Buckley joined ardent NHPPA supporter, Hugh Reilly of, for an interview (40 minute watch), on “Health Canada Destroying Health Freedom”. Hugh explores, with interesting insight, the dire situation we are facing with Health Canada’s regulatory changes of natural health products (NHPs). Shawn reveals new impacts the changes will have on our access to NHPs and the information we need to make informed decisions about them.
This interview was held one day after the NDP Health Critic, MP Don Davies, was browbeaten nationally by a CBC reporter. He was ridiculed for his position on the changes Health Canada has set in motion. He was silenced for questioning the Self-care Framework, including what it means for NHPs and Canadians’ ability to access them. “Don Davies is being attacked deliberately by the major media to basically ensure that the NDP supports this new Self-care Framework going into the election. And I think all of us need to be contacting Don Davies and the NDP leader today, and saying we support what you’re doing.”