Citizens for Choice in Health Care (CCHC) is based in Alberta. Like NHPPA, they have been an active force in freedom of choice in healthcare. Shawn Buckley was invited to present at a recent CCHC event in Edmonton on October 20, 2017.
In his hour long talk, “The Coming Health Canada NHP Proposals…Your Right to Know“, Shawn discusses that the belief supporting the existing NHP Regulations and current Health Canada proposals is that the individual does not have the right to make personal health decisions. Any reaction to the current Health Canada proposals should be based on an understanding that the real problem is the prevailing belief.
Belief, censorship and the propagation of fear are covered in this introductory analysis of the proposed regulation changes. Watch for Shawn’s latest Discussion Paper being released from NHPPA next week, “Health Canada’s Proposed Changes to the Regulation of Natural Health Products Confirms that the War Was Lost in 2004: We are Now Re-Negotiating the Terms of Our Surrender”