Step 2 of “The Charter to 308 MPs Campaign: MP Rebuttal” is well underway!
The MP Rebuttal Package campaign was launched on April 4, 2014 at the Total Health Show in Toronto. All of the materials are now on-line and ready for you to join your fellow activists.
We are sure you (and your MP) will find Shawn’s analysis very interesting reading!
In the next 25 days we are asking you to hand deliver, mail and/or email the MP Rebuttal Package, into the hands of every single MP: not once, but twice.
Once to your MP’s House of Commons address in Ottawa, and once to their Constituency Office in your riding. But to make this a well-timed two-send event prepare and send everything NHPPA has prepared for you now, before Parliament rests on June 20, to their Ottawa address. Then, prepare and send a second package to go to your MP’s office in your riding before June 30, 2014. You, as a constituent in your riding, have the strongest political voice for change.
Find all details on the main MP Rebuttal Package campaign page.
In order to make an impact we need every MP to hear about the Charter of Health Freedom, again, from multiple sources, at the same time. But this time with information that directly reflects the comments they made in their letters to you about the Charter of Health Freedom and the current Regulations. It is important that you all act together again to make a powerful statement. Your MP is being mislead by Health Canada as to the real, harmful effects of the 2004 NHP Regulations and will only get the other side of the story from you.
NHPPA has compiled a full information package for you to deepen (and frequently correct) the conversation with MPs.
This new MP Rebuttal Package includes everything you need to draft your response.
CLICK HERE to read the full campaign and MP Rebuttal Package details.