Shawn Buckley is lawyer with expertise in the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations. Mr. Buckley acts primarily for manufacturers of Natural Health Products and has an enviable track record in protecting companies charged by Health Canada. Some of the more notable defences have included:

  • obtaining the acquittal of TrueHope Nutritional Support following a protracted Health Canada prosecution (click here to see the decision );
  • obtaining the acquittal of the Strauss Herb Company from 73 charges brought by Health Canada;
  • having charges against the Nutraceutical Company (Biomedica) withdrawn after Constitutional Challenges to the New Drug Regulations and the seizure power under the Food and Drugs Act were filed.

Mr. Buckley brings to the NHPPA:

  • a significant legal understanding of the Act and Regulations;
  • extensive political experience. He has worked in policy departments of both the Federal and Provincial Government including the Premier’s Office. He has a detailed understanding of the working of government and the formulation of policy. He has regularly attended in Ottawa and Washington DC to meet with lawmakers in advocating for Natural Health Products and Dietary Supplements, and
  • speaking appeal. Mr. Buckley is an engaging speaker and will act as the NHPPA’s primary speaker and front person;
  • consensus skills. Mr. Buckley has developed through his legal and government experience an ability to identify common ground and to build upon it to bring about consensus;
  • manage the NHPPA’s political strategy;
  • continue to foster and maintain political contacts in Ottawa; and
  • continue to foster and maintain the NHPPA’s international contacts.

Click here to read the NHPPA’s disclaimer regarding legal advice for specific cases.

Ian Stewart has had a long career serving in administrative roles in both the for profit and not for profit sectors of business. He currently serves as Director of Regulatory Affairs and First Nations Relations with the Truehope organization. He also sits as a founding Director with the Natural Health Products Protection Association, and with Treaty Six Health Task Force Fundraising Committee. Ian is most accomplished as the father of nine children.

Mr. Stewart brings to the NHPPA Executive:

  • strong marketing and campaigning abilities especially in public speaking and written communication;
  • considerable knowledge in getting organizations noticed which is balanced by his sense of genuine service to the customer and audience; and
  • extensive board and executive experience with the United Way and other NPO’s have given valuable practical application to his degree in Organizational Administration.

John Biggs BSc, NCP is a nutritionist and retailer with extensive experience and scientific background regarding Natural Health Products. He has owned and operated a very successful health food retail business since 1994. With a science degree from the University of Alberta specializing in Foods and Nutrition, Mr. Biggs is a Nutritional Consulting Practitioner registered with the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants and has been counselling people regarding natural health options for over 20 years. John has a passion for dietary supplements coupled with an in-depth understanding of how and why they are effective in the body.

John brings to the NHPPA Executive experience and perspective from the consultant and retail fields. Mr. Biggs has a long track record in working to promote a reasonable regulatory environment for Natural Health Products. This includes:

  • Working extensively in the 1997 public movement for a reasonable regulatory environment which led to the Standing Committee on Health’s 53 Recommendations;
  • Writing numerous influential articles and submissions to government, industry associations, and media on issues relating to the regulation of Natural Health Products;
  • Generating grass roots support for a reasonable regulatory environment.

A well respected member of the Canadian Natural Health Industry, John’s contributions will work to bridge and unite the Natural Health Industry in pursuing a reasonable regulatory environment for Natural Health Products.

Richard DeSylva has been involved in the natural health food industry for over 30 years, both as a registered herbalist, and as a manufacturer of premium quality NHP’s made from wild-crafted and (certified) organically grown botanicals. He is a founding member of the Ontario Herbalist Association (OHA), the Canadian Council of Herbalist Association (CCHA),and sits on their Board(s), as well as that of the Ontario Doctors of Natural Medicine Association (ODNMA).

Since 1984, Richard has been an activist and lobbyist for the cause of herbalism, taking part in provincial and national regulatory initiatives. Most recently ( 2008) he has organized an ongoing series of meetings between Dr Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Natural Health( ANH ), Jonathan Emord a top constitutional lawyer in the USA and Canada’s own top constitutional lawyer, Shawn Buckley of the NHPPA. These meetings are designed to co-ordinate strategies amongst member countries in dealing with CODEX and WTO concerns.

Richard practices a branch of herbalism known as botanic medicine, which views herbs as very specialized foods for the cells of the body. He has lectured on this topic in Australia, Russia, the USA and Canada, and continues to teach and write about this discipline in various magazines, and schools of natural healing. His company, The Herb Works is located in Rockwood, Ontario where he specializes in treating chronic degenerative ailments.

Richard serves NHPPA as their international advisor and strategist.