“The Expansion of Homeopathy and How Quebec is Joining The Political Movement”, IHR Health

A Quebec pro-homeopathy conference seeks to protect effective remedies. This December 21, 2019 article (4 minute read), “The Expansion of Homeopathy and How Quebec is Joining The Political Movement” takes a balanced approach to reviewing the event. As noted in the article, “Homeopathic remedies have been around for 200 years and are used, according to the World Health Organization, by some 200 million people.” Thomas Mulclair, former NDP leader who was present at the conference, is quoted as stating, “…the simple fact that [homeopathy] is in such widespread use and is innocuous in terms of any potential side effects, basically comes down to a question of the patients’ choice. We believe that patients in Canada should be given a choice about what remedies and what treatments they’re going to receive…”

We agree. This is about freedom of choice.

For more about homeopathy’s history, use and challenges in Canada, NHPPA President and constitutional lawyer, Shawn Buckley, has written about how his view of homeopathy shifted over the years here: https://old.nhppa.org/?page_id=13059