Much has happened, and is changing, since last year, both here in Canada and internationally. Shawn has taken some time to put together yet another new Total Health Show presentation for his keynote lecture of 2014. Shawn will be speaking in Room 205 at Toronto’s Convention Centre on Saturday April 5th and Sunday April 6th from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. He will be available before and after each talk for questions at NHPPA’s Booth #209.
The political and legislative landscape alters constantly. These are the issues we must have front and centre as we educate our networks and our elected representatives this year:
Moving Out of the Eye of the Hurricane and into the Storm
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The introduction of Bill C-17, which is a partial resurrection of the infamous Bill C-51 is a matter that everyone interested in protecting their access to natural health products needs to educate themselves on. We are also facing enforcement of the NHP Regulations in 2014 in a way we have not seen before. Learn about this and also get updated on the status of the secret Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union (“CETA”). Although the Government has touted that a comprehensive agreement has been reached, the details remain secret. One of the primary concerns is that Canada will adopt restrictive European Union regulations governing natural health products.“
As ever, we will be placing a video of the presentation on our website as soon as it is available, so that you can stay up-to-date from coast to coast.
Thank you to those to responded to our ask for the funds to attend Total Health Show without impacting our other work. It’s vital this year that we stay on target to complete the campaigns which will bring the Charter of Health Freedom to parliament. At the same time, it is getting more and more expensive for us to attend these shows. We are still short some of the vital funding which goes into the presentation, promotion, travel, booth set up/staff and largely the educational material you rely on us to get out to the public from year to year.
Please consider a one-off contribution to help us, help you.