Traditional medicine, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), does not receive the respect it deserves from federal or provincial governments in Canada. NHPPA is a big fan. TCM uses techniques like acupuncture, cupping or moxibustion as well as Chinese herbal medicines and nutrition that are deeply connected to the phenomena of nature and energy. It is a philosophy that evolved over thousands of years. TCM’s methodology boasts significant efficacy. All without requiring public funding. Rather than acknowledging the ancient wisdom, profound skill and benefit to public health, TCM has been met with ill-advised barriers constructed by regulators. TCM practitioners are already forced to contend with misguided over-regulation. They are facing another major threat to their professional capacity and their patients will suffer for it.
Under Health Canada’s proposed Self-Care Framework, which aims to group natural health products (NHPs) and non-prescription chemical drugs under the same set of regulations, TCM practitioners risk losing the ability to utilize essential treatments. Specifically relevant, under the new Self-Care Framework, it is likely the compounding exemption that allows TCM practitioners to compound a remedy for an individual patient will be lost, along with the ability to utilize traditional use evidence. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a modality that merits reverence. It is an important part of Chinese culture for nearly two million Chinese Canadians.
To show our support for TCM, its practitioners and the Chinese Canadian community, NHPPA has translated the Charter of Health Freedom petition. The Charter of Health Freedom is the only real solution to burgeoning government oversight in health care and the only proposed law that would permanently protect our individual health freedoms.
Downloadable resources:
Discussion Paper: Origin of the Self-care Framework
Discussion Paper: Repeal of the Natural Health Product Regulations