In this June 27, 2017 article (6 minute read), “Why Big Pharma’s Days are Numbered“, Robert Verkerk PhD of Alliance for Natural Health International cleverly demonstrates how different industries have parallel offerings that serve many types of consumers who are demanding solutions-based products that meet their needs; are more sustainable than ever and how health care systems run by governments are running interference.

Verkerk states, “Why should healthcare be different? Lip service is currently being paid to sustainable healthcare, but so far, it’s either about throwing good money after bad into a broken system or lessening the healthcare system’s negative impact on the environment.”

In Canada, our current healthcare system allows citizens to choose how they wish to manage their health concerns. But it does so in a restrictive way, discrediting treatments that do not fall within the, arguably dangerous, pharmaceutical convention. Consider models where manufacturers innovate based on the needs and wants of consumers. Why shouldn’t we also benefit from the evolution of business economics for innovation in natural wellness solutions?

Deloitte, one of the world’s most respected consulting firms, agrees with the need for integration. In its Global Health Care Outlook report for 2017 it states, “Today’s health challenges are complex and interrelated so care delivery models that use a multi-pronged, collaborative, and technology-enabled approach are more likely to yield positive results.”

Read Deloitte’s full report

Learn how the Charter of Health Freedom is the solution which allows for full freedom of choice in health care for Canadians.