Take Action: Join the Pressure Your MP Campaign
We need you to pressure your MP like they have never been pressured before. Sustained pressure is why the same fight to protect Canadians’ access to natural health products in 2008 succeeded: We shut down every MP’s office in Canada. We need to do this again.
This is going to be a long campaign and we would like you to pressure your MP weekly. If not weekly, commit to every other week. The whole point is to be that concerned constituent that will not go away until the problem is solved.
Make it clear you will not vote for them unless they help. They need to know this is a voting issue for you.
And don’t just do one thing, do them all and do them over and over.
How to Prepare and Act
1. Educate yourself – get to know the issues so you can speak and write about them.
There are two documents to help you:
(1) a three-page summary that you can also print out and share with others called Natural Health Products Crisis Summary and (2) the Discussion Paper on 2023 Health Canada Initiatives.
2. Learn about the most effective levels of communication by reading the Levels of Communication document.
3. Meet with your MP and call your MP. Do this over and over through the campaign. For tips on how to have an effective meeting with your MP, see our Communicating with your MP page.
4. Write multiple letters to MPs – go to the Letters for Members of Parliament page for addresses and instructions for writing to your MP, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health and if you are willing, other MPs.
5. Keep up the pressure. We will not get anywhere with a single visit and a letter. We need everyone to keep up the pressure.
What do we want?
- Get sections 500 to 504 of Bill C-47 repealed (the Act is called S.C. 2023, c. 26);
- Get cost recovery for natural health product businesses stopped;
- De-regulate natural health products. They are being over-regulated;
- Get the Charter of Health Freedom enacted, and
- Stop the self-care framework.
We invite all Canadian Members of Parliament to stay connected with NHPPA!
Subscribe to receive communications to help you understand what citizens across the country are facing. You’ll see firsthand how we advocate for natural health industry manufacturers, retailers, practitioners, and your constituents who believe in health freedom. Their ability to choose how to treat their own health shouldn’t be a political issue, but it has become one.