3 hours. 3 judges. 1 decision. Tomorrow, on September 6, 2017, Dr. Shiv Chopra will make his final court appearance seeking reinstatement of his job as a regulator with the Bureau of Veterinary Drugs at Health Canada. The hearing will take place at 9:30 a.m. in the Federal Court of Appeal (Docket A-404-16), Thomas D’Arcy McGee Building, 90 Sparks Street, 10th Floor, Ottawa. We encourage all supporters of Dr. Chopra who are in the Ottawa area to attend the hearing and show support!
The attached news release by Canadian Council for Food Sovereignty & Health (CCFSH), “Backgrounder re: Shiv Chopra’s dismissal appeal”, dated August 23, 2017 (10 minute read), details the circumstances that gave rise to the suspension and eventual termination of Dr. Chopra and two of his colleagues. They were fired for insubordination as a result of their publicly speaking out about alleged corruption within Health Canada that led to the compromise of safety of the Canadian food supply.
The news release states, “What is at stake for Dr. Chopra is his reinstatement and vindication; and that it was not only his right to blow the whistle on government wrong-doing but that it was his duty.” Unfortunately, his employer doesn’t agree, “Health Canada’s “biased mandate serving the interests of industry instead of the public interest” continues under the current Liberal government.”
There is no mandatory retirement age for Health Canada employees. Dr. Chopra is 83 years old and still wants his job back. At the very least, he is seeking payment of 13 years worth of lost wages for doing the right thing.
Find out more about issues of food safety in Canada on Dr. Chopra’s website