Sharing from Shiv Chopra’s personal page September 7, 2017 after his appeal was denied in court yesterday, “A shameful judgement. Three women judges. Not one asked the cause of my insubordination to senior management. Not one asked why I refused to pass unsafe drugs going into the nation’s food supply. They implicitly blamed me for speaking out about it in public which, indeed, was my duty under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Who can blame me for publishing CORRUPT TO THE CORE? I may be old but not yet gone from saying. O Canada, We stand on guard for thee.”
Dr. Chopra also shared with us that he knows, “the case will die, but the issue won’t.”
Read two media pieces written immediately after the decision:
CBC News article, “Whistleblower scientist not entitled to get his job back, court rules”
Ottawa Citizen article, “After a 13-year battle, former Health Canada scientist won’t get his job back”