For the 4th time in the last 25 years, we are collectively combating the unjustified attempts to control nature’s remedies. We will succeed because we have clear goals and motivated supporters who are contacting their MPs on a bi-monthly, or even weekly, basis. The greatest power is in the hands of the citizen. You’ve heard before, as someone like you, who stands for positive change. You hear it, because it’s a fact. The individual consumer is the most important stakeholder group in the battle to protect Canadians’ access to natural health products.
Now, we’ve made it easier than ever for you to print your own postcards and send it to your Member of Parliament!
… then check out the Participate In The Postcard Campaign Today! link below
The combination of Bill C-47, the Self-Care Framework, and the expansion of Vanessa’s Law, will handcuff many in the natural health industry by limiting the types of natural health products that can be used in Canada and censor truthful health information that can be shared about natural health products.
To be clear, there is no end to the postcards being sent to Members of Parliament or the Letter Writing campaign