Today marks the last official day of delivering or sending out the NHPPA package in Step 2: The Charter to 308 MPs Campaign: MP Rebuttal Package
If you continue to be distressed by the way the NHP Regulations have affected our access to Natural Health Products, we need you to take action. We have been getting emails from you and informally tracking the campaign’s progress until all of the packages are in. Many of us are sending out our packages today. We do need to close the campaign at some point to allow us to begin work on the next project. To make progress in our efforts we have to create a self-imposed deadline.
Tonight at midnight, is the extension from the original deadline three weeks earlier. However, our very last shift on an end date, would be the time over the next two days. If this weekend affords you the time to read, consider, print off and prepare your package for your MP, let us know! We will still count you in but need to call it a wrap on Monday for sure.
To those of you who have sent your package along with proof of delivery—thank you! You are the only ones we are aware of who we can add to the final delivery count. Even an email with your name, your MP’s name and your riding to is perfect.
As Shawn’s analysis pointed out, most MPs are misinformed about Health Canada’s regulations and not aware of the purpose of the Charter of Health Freedom. The MP’s Rebuttal Package for downloading can be found here, under “Step 3) Assemble your MP Rebuttal Package”.
Print as much of this package as you can, ideally all of it, and hand-deliver or mail it to your MP’s Constituency Office as soon as you can.If you can’t hand-deliver or mail, please use the attached .pdfs (found in Step 3 of the campaign) and forward to your MP along with a personal message in the body of the email to introduce the attachments. If you need help with a message please see the MP Outer Mailer for ideas or tips for composing your own letter.
Please remember that communication to an MP has the most gravity through either a personal visit or a personally written letter with support material (as found in the .pdfs of this email).
Your MP will have new knowledge, the facts that Health Canada will never reveal, and your opinion that matters. Access to an alternate, and expert view, from Health Canada’s talking points is vital for our elected representatives.
“If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.” ? Rita Mae Brown